Monday, August 20, 2007

Paranormal Physics

Today science has developed in many fields ranging from atoms to cosmology,in medicine and many other technological advances. In spite of all these advances,it is ironical that science is unable to unravel the mysteries of the mind. Various claims of paranormal experiences have come in newspapers but no scientific explanation has appeared. Sceptics insist that these phenomena do not exist. As long as some scientific explanation is given,there are chances of a large number of false claims to get published. Spirituality,on the other hand,explains these phenomena and unfortunately no scientific experiment is conducted to verify them.

It is seen in most of the spiritual texts all over the world that the numbers 3 and 7 occur frequently. Even in our day-to-day life we use these numbers often. Also the numbers 15,31, 63,etc are used in our day-to-day life. I shall give some examples. 7 is related to divinity in the spiritual texts. One week is divided into 7 days. One of the common phrases used for travelling abroad is "crossing the 7 seas". The concepts of Trinity (in Western cultures),Tridev(in Indian culture),etc. show the importance of the number 3 in our cultures. Similarly the unit of dozen (12 )which is frequently used can be split as 12 = 15 - 3. One day consists of 24 hours. 24 = 31 - 7. One month was originally divided into 30 days. 30 = 31 - 1. One hour consists of 60 minutes. 60 = 63 - 3. The ten Commandments of the Bible, the ten known incarnations and a total of 21 incarnations of Lord Vishnu in Indian tradition and 40 days required for attaining enlightenment are some other examples. 10 = 7 + 3,21 = 7 x 3 and 40 = 72 - 32. The numbers 1, 3, 7, 15, 31, 63, 127, etc. are not chosen randomly by nature but they have a characteristic feature. These numbers (which I shall call dimension numbers) are of the form 2n - 1. In this paper,I shall try to give a explanation for some of the various paranormal phenomena. This paper may appear highly abstract and is a crude explanation of some of the paranormal phenomena. I have used some terms found in the ancient Indian scriptures.

Consider the infinite dimensional space. This space is pervaded by "matter" which I prefer to call Brahman(. The fundamental "particle" of Brahman is called the Atman. Since the Atman and Brahman are infinite and hence indistinguishable,this space can be visualised as a "holographic" space. The Atmans "interact" among themselves resulting in the projection of some of the Atmans into the finite dimensional space-time. These "interactions" which are independent of the "position" of the Atmans,are perceived as emotions in the finite dimensional space-time.

Postulate 1:- The Atmans can get projected into only the N-dimensional space-time where N = 2n. n is any positive integer. Each projection has a unique life-time.

Postulate 2:- The energy can be propagated with a velocity which is always less than or equal to the limiting velocity vn unique for each dimension which is constant in all directions within that dimension.

In analogy with our ideas of physics,I shall introduce the concept of "particles" called hyphons. Hyphons are "particles" which are "quanta" of energy and have velocity vn . Hyphon of the 1st kind is the phonon while hyphon of 2nd kind is the photon. Hyphons of the nth kind where n > 2 cannot be detected by us. Only their projections into our 4-D space-time can be detected. The ratio of the "speeds" of two successive hyphons i.e., vn+1/vn is of the order of 10x where x = 2n+2-2n.

Our mind consists of three parts viz; the unconscious mind(or Atman), the subconscious mind and the conscious mind (or our body). Our body is only the projection of the Atman into our 4-D space-time(Einstein's space-time). The subconscious mind constitutes the remaining dimensions. Einstein's theory is confined to only Einstein's space-time. We can detect only those projections which lie in Einstein's space-time.In general for any N-D space-time the only change in Einstein's relativistic expressions is the replacement of c (the velocity of light) by vn. For example, the "mass" is given by,

m= E/vn2

The brain waves (alpha,beta and delta waves) represent the extent to which the mind of a person is confined to Einstein's space-time. Delta activity in the brain implies that the mind is able to achieve the Brahman space while alpha activity suggests that the mind is able to visualise the higher but finite dimensional spaces. When the mind is confined to Einstein's space-time,then beta activity is observed. The following paranormal phenomena can be explained from the above postulates.
Rebirth : From postulate 1, we see that any body which is just the projection of the Atman into Einstein's space-time, has a finite life-time after the elapse of which the body "dies". But if this Atma experiences a net interaction such that it again gets projected into Einstein space-time then this results into the phenomenon of rebirth.
Clairvoyance : Most of the projections of the "visions" observed when the mind is in the delta and alpha activiy states fall into the subconscious mind. But when these projections lie in Einstein space-time the corresponding person senses those which are not sensed by others. This results in clairvoyance.
Precognition : The Atman being infinite dimensional is able to "travel"along all the axes including the time axis. The projection of its motion along the time axis into Einstein space-time results in precognition. Intuition is just a very mild form of precognition.
Telepathy : Postulate 2 implies the existence of energy waves in higher dimensions(or hyperspace). These waves travel from one mind to another. The projection of these waves into Einstein space-time when sensed by the body gives rise to telepathy.
Meditation : Meditation is a method by which one can be able to perceive the higher dimensions. By regular practice one can be able to project the various processes going on in the higher dimensions and thus can experience the various paranormal phenomena at will. Thus meditation can be considered as an experimental method to investigate the paranormal.

Science and the Paranormal

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1 comment:

अमित लाड said...

Nice one !!!!
But why only one post in your blog?
You write very well....
Keep on posting...
Best of Luck....